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NaturaExtracta®’s NExtwelltive® line offers ingredients aimed to create comprehensive healthcare solutions, including cardiovascular, osteo-articular, dermatologic and cognitive.
Lipid krill extract, source of omega-3 (DHA and EPA) as phospholipids and astaxanthin.
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by reducing blood triglyceride and cholesterol counts.
The phospholipids of this oil help transporting DHA to the brain, a key element for cerebral health.
The fatty omega-3 acids have been proven to be effective as anti-inflammatory agents over the body, reducing the joint pain.
Increases the performance and stamina during exercise. It has been clinically proven to increase muscle recovery after working out.
It brings significant benefits for reducing the sympthoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. It also bring cosmetic benefits by improving the hydration and elasticity of the skin.
The phospholipids of this oil help transporting DHA to the brain, a key element for cerebral health.
Improves the mood by reducing cortisol, the so called "stress hormone".
Increases the performance and stamina during exercise. It has been clinically proven to increase muscle recovery after working out.
Clinically proven to reduce cardiovascular risks by avoiding the accumulation of calcium and arterial hardness, both age-related.
By effectively absorbing calcium, this product encourages the growth and hardness of bones at early ages, and avoids the aging-related problems and risks of contracting osteoporosis, particularly in women.
Clinically proven to reduce cardiovascular risks by avoiding the accumulation of calcium and arterial hardness, both age-related.
Prevents the oxidation of brain cells, creating an antioxidant balance.
With dermo-cosmetic repairing action, which protects the skin from the damages caused by UV rays, providing elasticity, texture and contents of skin humidity.
Improves the quality of vision by reducing the symptoms of eye fatigue and reducing he inflammation and rigidity of the cyliar muscle.
Clinically proven efficiency, since it improves 10 out of 12 menopause symptoms in 62%, including profuse sweating, paresthesia, insomnia, nervousness, melancholy, vertigo, fatigue, rheumatic pains, tingling and vaginal dryness.
Reduces the hepatic fat (non-alcoholic fatty liver), and encourages the gluconeogenesis (conversion of the liver’s fat into energy).
Powerful natural antioxidant.
Helps the glucose liver metabolism, a metabolic syndrome related to obesity and a low glucose control.
Nutritional supplements.
Animal and pet food.
Cosmetics and personal care.
Dietary prevention of various health conditions, with the following activities:
Support of function and structure of the cell membrane.
Improvement of blood lipids profile.
Increased vitality..
Control of the effects of oxidative stress and inflammatory processes.
Vascular decalcification and bone recalcification.
Cognitive performance, brain & mood enhancement capabilities.